Everyone who participates in the outreach must stay at the Highbury Centre if there’s availability or be able to be at the Highbury Centre each morning at 7:00 AM for prayer and devotions. This facilitates fellowship one of the three distinctions of SFOI.
Accommodations: Highbury Centre.
Speakers: TBA
Ministry Schedule: each day will consist of 7 – 8 of hours of evangelism. This includes travel time on the Tube to and from ministry locations.
Cost of the trip: £ 798 is an approximation [if you stay at the Highbury Centre for 14 nights £399 for 7 days . It includes accommodations, transportation, 1 meal per day].
The following is a budget once you arrive in London is £ 58 per day. That would consist of:
£ 5 / day Transportation [Tube weekly pass £ 34.10 for zones 1 – 4.]
£ 42 / day Accommodations [includes breakfast].
£ 10 / day meals on your own.
Next Step: Register by clicking on the SFOI logo below. Once you register and are approved you will receive further information including but not limited to an event waiver and payment information. You will also be asked to submit a bio and picture to be posted on the event pages.
Questions about how SFOI works: If you have not previously participated in an SFOI outreach then visit these pages to help you understand the work of the ministry: SFOI Distinctives; the goal of SFOI; what to expect at an SFOI event; SFOI Vision and Mission statements; Frequently Asked Questions; Registering for an event.
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