Dear Fellow Gospel Preacher,
Do you believe you are called to preach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ? Do you believe you are called to preach the Gospel in the open air?
Then welcome to Sports Fan Outreach International where we preach Christ and Him crucified!
Are you new to Gospel preaching especially in the open air or are you looking for more experience?
SFOI invites Gospel preachers to preach Christ to souls attending major sporting events. SFOI's goal at these events is for the fans to hear the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, be provided an opportunity to respond, be ministered to in the moment and seek to refer them to a Bible teaching church for discipleship.
If you want training SFOI offers one primary training typically held during the NFL London mission. You can participate for a weekend or the complete 10 days. You will learn how and where to preach and pray.
Training also occurs informally at all SFOI events too.
SFOI events are held at major sporting events like the Nations 6, NFL London, Wimbledon. These events are listed under “Events” tabs.
SFOI also provides opportunities and support for evangelists to grow in their work.
One of those ways is through the George Whitefield Program [GWP] which is for evangelists who believe they are called to full-time evangelistic work or who simply have a passion for souls to hear the Gospel and want to engage in evangelistic work full-time. The GWP provides training, administrative support, fellowship and accountability for the evangelists.
The other way is education. SFOI has partnered with Third Millennium Ministries to offer Seminary Training online [] and for theological studies suggests Edinburgh Theological Seminary in Edinburgh. ETS offers a Bachelor and Masters in Theological Studies (Taught and Research). Plus Individual Study and Sabbatical Studies in Theology and Mission.
In summary, SFOI’s primary goal is for Gospel preachers to bring the Good News to the souls at major sporting events.
If you are an evangelist pray about attending an upcoming SFOI Outreach which are listed under the “Events” tabs. If you desire to partner financially with SFOI then visit these pages for information: Tax Deductible Gifts & Sponsor An Evangelist.
Please contact me if you have any questions. At SFOI we believe in communicating and are eager to talk with everyone who has a passion for souls to hear and believe the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you again for your visit to the Sports Fan Outreach Int’l web site. Hope to hear from you.
Grace, mercy & peace,
Sports Fan Outreach Int’l
“Mobilizing the next generation of George Whitefields”
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