What is happening

SFOI is returning Lord willing to London for this fall's NFL London games. The dates: Oct 11 - Oct. 21. (Arrive by Noon on the 11th so we can preach on the 11th and depart anytime on the 21st)

There will be preaching at the two UK NFL games scheduled for 13 and 20 October at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium and Wembley Stadium plus at 20 locations in London during the week.

If you are a present open air Gospel preacher or want to begin, pray about joining the Team for these 10 days of prayer, fellowship and 6 - 8 hours per day of ministry to fans and local citizens. These are pictures from previous outreaches in London:  NFL London ’18 , NFL London '19, NFL London '22, NFL London '23 and at the Cricket World Cup.

If you can't attend "Sponsor An Evangelist" (donate the fee) for someone to go in your stead: SAE.

Event Info

Location: London, England

Event Leader: Bill Adams

Speakers: TBA 

Dates: Oct. 11 - Oct 21

  • Arrive: Before Noon on Friday, Oct 11th so we can preach on the 11th
  • Depart: Anytime on Monday, Oct 21st

Ministry Schedule: 

Accommodation, Meals & Airport Pick-up:

Accommodations: Highbury Centre. Nine single rooms are available for our occupancy.

Check In: 3:00 PM

Check Out: 10:00 AM

Address: 20-26 Aberdeen Park, Highbury, London N5 2BJ.

Meals: Breakfast at the Highbury Centre. All other meals are on your own and not included.

Airport Pickup: Ride the Tube to Highbury Centre. 

Airfare: You purchase your ticket on your own. If you have never searched for a ticket before contact us to receive guidance.

Registration info:

Who can attend: Married couples and men.

Cost of the trip: Roughly airfare + £920 ($1,200) which consists of £540 ($700) [accommodations] + daily expenses.

Payment Deadline: Sep 10.

Payments: SFOI UK [Under "Donation Purpose" select "Event Payment" and enter £540 for the amount]

Next steps: 

  • If this is your first outreach event with SFOI, click on the logo below to read through the steps to register.
  • If you are a returning evangelist, send an email to indicating that you want to register for this event.
  • Once you register and are approved you will receive further information including but not limited to an event waiver and payment information. You will also be asked to submit a bio and picture to be posted on the event pages.


Please pray daily for the London Civil Magistrate based on 1 Timothy 2:1-7.

  • Prayer is the foundation of the SFOI and praying for the Civil Magistrate has allowed the outreaches to operate smoothly over the years. So this is a must.
  • Prayer time: SFOI has a weekly prayer time which is held Monday evenings at 7:00 PM EST. Click on the link to get details about the weekly prayer meeting:
  • Prayer Call

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's):

If you have not previously participated in an SFOI outreach, and you have questions about how SFOI works, then visit these pages to help you understand the work of the ministry: 

Ministry Team

Game Summaries

NFL London Outreach 2024 Ministry Highlight video:


David Day:

Jerardo Ibarra:

Photos of the masses who were able to hear the Gospel of Christ in London:

Preaching videos from the Outreach:

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