I've been ministering for around fourteen years and when I first got out there one of my first thoughts was, "why isn't everyone out here doing this? The church is definitely falling short of what they should be doing". People like me started to realize, I need to be going out preaching the Gospel! I need to be sharing the Gospel with my neighbours. When people realize the importance of that, they then wonder; "what's wrong with everyone else"? And then you start trying to fix everyone around you that are christians, even those that are mormons.
The body of Christ has all different members for all different parts of it. If we were all the mount then we would not function as the body of Christ. I used to say things to people, get angry at people whilst out on the street, for not understanding what I was saying and for not understanding that they were sinners. The church were not really being about evangelism so for me, it was a real struggle at that point all those years ago because I didn't really know how to weigh all that stuff out in my mind.
In time, and by being around more mature believers who have been preaching longer, you start to see how immature you're being about it all. You're zealous but in a sense, too zealous at times and then you start to hurt people's feelings and causing problems. I once told a pastor I really loved that I couldn't understand how he justified just having a couple of people in his church doing street evangelism, and through that I ruined a relationship that was really important to me.
You do think, in those early days, people need to be out on the streets, but you have to realize that not all of us are to be, that's no what all of us are called to do. This is something you learn by being around more mature believers. This is something that really stands out with me more than anything else from the lessons I've learned. I'm still learning from people like my brothers Joe Toy, Mark Yoho and Bill Adams.
You can really hurt other believers without meaning to by accusing them of not being about what God would have them be about because maybe their calling isn't preaching. Don't just grab a scripture out of the Bible, throw it out there and have it be whatever it is you want it to be. You have to understand the word of God. For instance, I would go to the mall with a small evangelism team in the winter. I would have a conversation with a muslim called Abdul that would come back every year. This guy was blown away by my knowledge of the Word, and also some of my knowledge of Islam. When you talk to people who can see that you truly know what you're talking about, that goes a long way with them. Abdul explained that he had Christians come up to him in the past saying "you need Jesus", and when he asked them why he needed Jesus, they were not able to provide an answer. We have to know what it is we are talking about, we can't just go out there acting like we have all the answers.
If you don't have the answer, be mature enough to say, I don't know, that's a good question, give me your number and I'll look it up and get back to you. It shows people you don't have all the answers and you're not afraid to say it. We all go through the same zealousness, we all go through thoughts of "I have it all figured out, why doesn't everybody else"? But God is with us through these times, it's all part of the learning.